Earn $3,000 Helping Others

The Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD) and key partner organizations are running a program called the Providence County Urban Growers Leadership Program, designed to provide technical assistance to support a new class of skilled urban growing leaders and trainers in Northern Rhode Island through a series of “Train the Trainer” workshops and long-term planning guidance.

The Providence County Urban Growers Leadership Program is a year long series of 5-6 “Train the Trainer” workshops. The workshops are based on participant interests, and what they would like to learn. These workshops will be scheduled to the best availability for all participants and partner organizations running the workshop to attend. We are currently seeking two to three more partner organization to run a workshop between July and October. These workshops are aimed for leading growers/gardeners in the Providence County that are interested in expanding their knowledge in order to help local urban growing/gardening communities. Partner organizations running workshops will receive a $3,000 stipend. Potential workshop topics include, but not limited to Urban Agriculture, Conservation Practices, or Marketing and Vending Skills and Opportunities.

Application Due: Monday, June 17, 2019

If you are interested in applying and seeking more information, please contact the NRICD’s Urban Agriculture Program Coordinator, Gennifer Keller by email: [email protected] or my phone (401)-934-0840.