New Ag Focused Grant Funding Opportunities thru Ocean Hour Farm

Are you looking to adopt a new regenerative land management practice or have a project that could benefit our food and fibershed?

As of March 1st, Ocean Hour Farm is launching a new grant making program! The goal of this funding is to accelerate an inclusive transition to regenerative land management practices by addressing infrastructure and knowledge gaps in our local food and fibershed. This year, we are offering grants ranging from $10,000 - $75,000 in support of projects that address one or more of the following priority areas:

Accessible and varied training opportunities are needed to support farmers and other land stewards in implementing and adapting regenerative land management practices. We are therefore interested in supporting initiatives including, but not limited to, workforce development programs, advising support, skill-specific training and other opportunities that empower farmers, land stewards, and workers in the agriculture and landscape industry to apply regenerative practices centered in Traditional Ecological Knowledge and whole systems thinking.

The current system that farmers and other land stewards are operating within was designed with an extractive lens and, in turn, favors industrial-scale agriculture and an input-heavy approach to earth care. Therefore, we prioritize the design and creation of appropriate infrastructure and tools to accelerate the establishment of viable regenerative food and fiber systems. Projects may address challenges in processing facilities, supply chain, season extension, cooperative economic models and more.

As our food and fiber systems are redesigned, they must work well for all communities of people, not just a select few. One area where inequality is most pervasive is land access. Supporting BIPOC communities in reclaiming agricultural resources and building capital (in all its forms) is a key component of an inclusive transition. Funded projects may address land access, representation in agricultural careers, traditional ways of knowing and more.

While the link between land management practices and their impacts on the environment, communities and the economy has been studied for decades, most of this data is not easily accessible, lacks contextual information and is not standardized for cross-referencing and analysis. Filling these gaps will be essential to promote effective, site-specific decision-making around land management practices that will ultimately accelerate the transition to regenerative and resilient societies. We are interested in supporting data collection to help evaluate the economic, social, and environmental impacts and feasibility of regenerative land management.

The application goes live on March 1, 2024, and closes on May 31, 2024. We encourage anyone interested to look at our website to review eligibility requirements and learn more about this program. If you have any questions about a particular project and its fit, feel free to reach out to our team at [email protected].