What seed starting mix do you use?

Hi All!

The Young Farmer Network is looking to crowdsource Seed Starting Mix feedback to help folks find the right product for their farm. I know personally, this has been something I’ve been struggling with lately because of the rising cost of certain products.

We’re hoping this survey will help!

These are meant to be used as a resource list. They will be brief and broken down into specific topics to help consolidate the answers. Feel free to share your email at the end of the survey if you’d like to be a resource for others to reach out to.

And Tis’ the season to start chatting about Seed Starting Mixes… So here we go!

When we refer to a seed starting mix we are referring to potting soil used to start seeds for transplants that will be used for field planting or transplant sales. This does not include compost for fields.

We will be posting the results of this survey on our website but for now, here is the link to the responses


Thanks y’all,

Happy seed scouting.


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